Sunday, November 22, 2009

Poltical Cartoon #1-Mammogram guidelines

1. Who drew the cartoon?
The cartoon was drawn by Jimmy Marguiles.

2. Where was it published?
This cartoon was published in "The Record of Hackensack", in New Jersey, on 11/20/2009.

3. What issue or event does the cartoon deal with?
In order to cut costs the Obama health care bill is cutting what are being called "unnecessary procedures", one of these procedures being routine mammograms for women under the age of 50. The bill suggests that mammograms preformed on women younger than the age of 50 often result in falsely positive tests.

4. What is the cartoon's message?
The message of the cartoon is that while mammograms preformed at an early age can result in a false positive result, women under 50 can only dream of having this problem ,as they will no longer have the privilege of being pro-active against Breast Cancer by getting routine examinations.

5. Do you agree/disagree with the cartoon's message? why?
I completely agree with the cartoon's message! For years now women have been strongly encouraged to get annual mammograms to test for Breast Cancer, in order to find the Cancer in it's earlier stages, and thus treat it more quickly and easily. I think it is crazy to take away the privilege of those women under 50 to get these annual procedures, which are for their own health and safety. After all, since when are the only diagnosed cases of Breast Cancer in women of 50 years and older?

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